
The Abuser’s Eyes


To what extent of abuse lived 
No perfect understanding for why 
If beauty in the eye of the beholder 
What lies in the abuser’s eyes

The original abuser disturbed
Something horrible from the past
Though still responsible for self-control
Full of conflict and contrast

Driven abusers learn violence 
Anger developed deep inside
A fallacy all abusers cowards
No affront will this kind abide 

Learning action from long ago
Through violence to send a message
Not understanding the behavior and absence 
Would result in unintended wreckage 

The counterfeit victim wanting abuse
Continuing self-deceit
Loving their abuser while hating themselves 
Relishing the violence they repeat

A cowardly need for attention 
Victimization worn like a medal
Pushing their abuser’s buttons
Without being hit they won’t settle 

The delighted victim then spiteful
Anxiously awaiting any chance
To repeat abuse on the innocent 
Just a routine circumstance

The innocent will suffer in silence
Physically and mentally worn
Searching for why they are wrong 
Wanting badly to repair what’s torn

Creating that life the feckless 
Seeing their reflection of hate
Not sure how they deny that
And pretend they’ll see Heaven’s gates

Both the angry and the hypocrite
Guilty of the painful truth
The innocent suffered in the end
An unnecessarily troubled youth

Driven to domestic violence no excuse
Though the reason brought about by lies
A line was crossed in the violent one’s mind
There is death in the abuser’s eyes
