
The Escape

One page at a time, slowly trying to put your mind at ease,

Trying to make the pressure of the outside world seize.

Sometimes needing something to escape you from the troubles of everyday,

And finding that escape when all of your troubles are standing in your way.

Being able to walk into a new world to escape the one that you are in,

And finding a new place to go to when you can no longer take how things have been.

Letting go of who you think you are and allowing yourself to become someone else,

All because of the book that you picked up on your shelf.

And usually you are the good guy, but every once in a while you can be the villain,

And for the first time in your life, you can be that one in a million.

The one who allows you to find true love and to get your happily ever after,

And it is a miracle that is filled with joy, happiness, and laughter.

Sometimes you get to get revenge and become your own hero in the end,

And you have the opportunity to walk away, instead of feeling the need to make amends.

On the rare occasion you allow yourself to take place in a scary story,

Because sometimes it is fun to walk away from the princess moments and get wrapped in with something gory.

In the end, you never thought about how much this hobby would mean to you,

Because it just started out as something simple for you to do.

Maybe in the end, that escape was exactly what you needed to make you feel something again,

And it is just your own little world that you can walk into every now and then.