
Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves are falling
Soft, golden and brown
The sun lends them a glowing hue
As they slide down to the ground.

The woods, they say, are deep
And dark and lovely too
But there’s still a promise of sunshine
As the sun has not bid adieu.

The trees stripped bare of leaves
Stand sentimentally aloof
They regret and they resent
The seasonal loss of their roof

The river gurgles and babbles
As it narrows into a brook
It gently laughs at a rabbit
Snuggled cozily in a nook. 

The music of the river
And of distant church bells
Mingled harmoniously together
Cast a hypnotic spell

The drops of water sparkle
In the light of the dying sun
They transform to a golden river
The like of which was seen by none

The rocks gleam with hidden gems
Which wink with a luminous glow
At a creature with eyes as lovely – 
A sparklingly clear-eyed doe.

The forest is quiet as it beholds
For the umpteenth time such a scene
Whilst the nature-fairy blesses the place
Having come in lieu of her queen.

The autumn leaves rustle
As they softly downwards fall
They are both green and golden
And they form a bed on the knoll

Bringing a peace to the mind
And a warmth to the heart that’s rare
The leaves then depart to the soil
Promising to return from their lair.

And though they are but autumn leaves
They spread the gaiety of spring
And sliding softly to the ground
Much beauty to the scene, do bring.