
He seemed to be ashamed of his name..

Now who do we blame?

I only knew him as \"Aquaman\"  for our first two years!

Rick opened up over time, 

He had pain.

Needed tears.

A lad rejected?

God only knows-

But in his reflection there was a glow.

But he\'s come to the turning of the tide...

Has my mate Aquaman has taken his last dive?

Or will he arise with a smile on his face?

When the righteous judge takes His place...

I hope to think His grace will show,

But who am I,

I don\'t know.

To love the Lord, is to love His Son.

A dilemma for me, as I see him in everyone.

No one is perfect,

But looking past the dross,

The silver is there.

What a shame if it was lost.

I could sit back, and delight in what will be.

But truth is painful, 

My prayer is: All could see.