Mystery\'s Creation

Beautiful Body

If one\'s ever seen a naked woman

Through a shower door

I\'ve no doubt most would agree

It\'s not something they can ignore

Glistening breasts and dampened hair

Casually intertwined

The latter matted to her face

The former just divine 

The contour of the parts of her body

That most won\'t be privileged to see

Their silhouettes accentuating 

And adding to their mystery

Most want to act on the impulse 

To touch that which is forbidden

Because nothing is more attractive

Than that which is typically hidden

Only few are granted the privilege

About whom they fantasize

To remove the mask

So as not have to ask

What\'s beneath the disguise

I have seen this beautiful body

Up close as well as in dreams

And when I did,I thought to myself

\"This can\'t be as real as it seems\"

For how can one be awake

And still see what they did when asleep?

The answer to that is hidden

In the thoughts and visions they keep

Someday this beautiful body

Will get reluctantly old

And some would say not as pretty

If I,indeed,may be so bold

But those will be

Who\'ve yet to see

What I\'ve had the pleasure to view

To whom I suggest

Or dare say behest 

That they go seek out one too

So they can write their words aplenty

As I just have for you