
Moonshine on the Mere

The full, new moon glistened like a silver shield.

The stars twinkled in the deep azure above.

A cloudless sky – a heavenly plain!

The wind called a truce and breathed benignly.

 A gentle zephyr blew across the stilled mere,

as moonbeams danced on the mirrored face

of that tepid pool. No beast roamed abroad:

No sound perturbed the evening calm.

 A discernible ripple betrayed the stilled.

the water, as a sail fluttered o’er the hulk

of a tiny fragile boat that blithely tacked

with the meagre gust of arid, August air.

 A sole sailor cruised on a lonely course,

homeward: his modest catch round his feet:

the bountiful fruits of the depths below.

Peace reigned in the moonshine on the mere.