
Secret love lingers on

In the shadows of my tender heart\'s embrace

Lies a narrative of unrequited love\'s trace

A tale of longing that knows no bounds

Where my heart whispers I\'m silence profound

Fragrant blooms decorate a garden of dreams

Every beat of my heart aches in this plea

For the one who\'s oblivious to my love\'s decree

In the depths of my soul, an explicit pain

Unreturned affection, a bittersweet stain

Like a solitary star that forever shines

My love, true love is a powerful tide

That sweeps away doubts, no matter how wide

With every tender touch, every stolen glance

My love silently weaves, taking it\'s stance

Though my heart yearns for recipricants fire

I find solace in a lover that shall never tire

For even if this love remains undisclosed

Like a hidden treasure, silently composed

It casts it\'s gentle rays upon my weary soul

Guiding me through life\'s endless stroll

So, I\'ll continue to hide these feelings within 

Embracing this unrequited love, I\'ve been given

For love\'s essence lies in giving without return

And I find solace in the love that I shall forever yearn