
One day

A day far from now my mind will let you slip away

 The syllables will fail to roll off my tongue like a daily affirmation.

One day it will sound abnormal, a new word I don\'t even crave to recognize

 One day iI\'ll stop babbling about you to people at parties,

I will not utter just one word about you.


They will not have to see every scar you left on me

 And I will not lust after their reassurements

 I will not hunger for disgraceful talks on your name

 I will not yearn for a 48th mouth\'s words to stop thinking I ruined the best i\'ll ever have. 


Some day I will not need excuses to say your name

 They\'ll stop having little memories of you loving me attached to them

 Every act you\'ve ever done will be lost in time 

 I\'ll stop recalling your surface love or my laughs on the way home

 I will not even remember your cruel words

 Everything will just turn to ashes of a past love.