sonal monhyung


In the night when I wake -up

Turn on the light that was close - up .

Slightly move on the floor 

I feel a strange body stand behind me .


So many ideas start rolling in my mind 

I scared so much at that time.

Not even courage to look back side ,

What is that ?, By this side .


I start chattering tooth so fast ,

Shivering with a unknown fear that time .

Try to move my feet outwards to door ,

With a little courage inside me.


It seems , it also start chase me 

Where I move , it move with me .

I run so fast like ,

When someone win a marathon race.


Come rolling down through stairs ,

In mom room scaring with that fear .

Jump over the bed , beside my mom 

Hold her tight with my little hand .


She get -up when i rushes ,

By her side with my chatter tooth .

I told her , a ghost is behind me .

I am not making excuse so I can sleep with you .


I show her , but it was disappeared 

In the light towards the stairs .

She calms me down and hug tight ,

Relaxes me and tell a fact .


I came to know it was me ,

When I make shadow covering light beyond me .

What a funny thing I did !?

With my own shadow to make him a ghost.