



Life today is simple

Not difficult at all

To this I must reply

Today I dropped the ball


While putting the clean clothes away

Matching colors, sizes and all

Getting each and every item sorted

And retrieving those that fall


I started with my t-shirts

And then moved on to briefs

By briefs I mean underwear

Which we wear instead of leafs


On to something easy

Of course I speak of towels

Some are one bland color

And some have snails and fowls


The next item in the sort today

Were those worn on the feet

No, of course it’s not the shoes

At times they don’t smell sweet


Yes it is the socks of course

They vary from thick to thin

Many colors and patterns

Some really hug your skin


A single sock remaining

Just doesn’t seem quite fair

Wouldn’t it be better

If we lost our socks in pairs