
The Wolf Princess

She sat nobly, surrounded by moonlight,

that gently disturbed the calm, arid night.

High on a mountain top she posed,

as the wolf pack surrounded her. It closed.

to protect her from harm. No fear

beheld her, as the feral beasts, dear,

and loyal to her being, attended.

The lord of the clan had surrendered

his fiefdom to her. He stood, proud,

at her back, to challenge aloud,

anyone who would dare to call.

Leaves rustled freely in the early Fall.


The princess’s smiled betrayed mystique.

Above, a condor deferred with lowered beak,

to salute the pure maiden below.

Her shimmering locks, and skin, aglow,

stood out starkly amongst fang and fur.

Her scent lingered in the static air.

The wolves around her, docile but keen,

were the courtesans, to this latent queen

of the wild. By implied command she reigned

o’er each willing warrior who feigned

and paused in homage. The princess peerless,

governed the night, amongst the fearless.