Nicole Kay

Stop Drinking It Away

Who are you drinking away?

A lost mother who loved you with all her soul

Or an absent father who left a gaping hole?

A sibling or spouse whose harsh words seem to linger

Or that perfect someone you let slip through your fingers?

Find the why behind the who.

What are you drinking away?

School days filled with first love and heartbreak

Or past experiences held deep inside that were just too much to take?

A painful disease that just won’t go away

Or the shattered memories from what was once a happy day?

Find the why beyond the what.

When are you drinking away?

The moment the phone rang and you got the awful news

Or a tormented childhood full of abuse?

The days when life didn’t give you what you needed it to

Or when the doctor said the words, “There is nothing more we can do.”

Find the why behind the when.

Where are you drinking away?

A childhood home that no longer exists

Or that special spot where you shared your first kiss?

The final resting place of one you once held dear

Or an empty room that screams, “I wish you were here!”

Find the why behind the where.

Once you find all the whys, forgive all the whys.

Why?  Because YOU are worth it!