
unfound love

I don\'t know if I\'ll ever experience love, 

the one authors write about, 

where my personality and his fit like a glove, 

and where there\'s not a single doubt.


How come so many people have found love but me?

Is there something wrong?

Is it just not meant to be?

Or will it soon come along?


I know that first I have to figure out if it\'s something I want, 

and not something society needs, 

but seeing couples feels like a taunt,

and it plants jealousy seeds.


These are seeds I water,

with my want to experience a love that\'s beautiful and sweet,

I try for it not to matter,

but I know it\'s a useless feat.


I\'ll try to be hopeful always,

to keep an eye out for this soul,

to find him and hope he stays,

and for him to love me and my heart as a whole.