
Unknown Promise

In an unknown moment of truth

Under an unknown canopy of blue,

You borrowed myself from me

And lent yourself to me.

Why do eyes promise when words don’t?

Like birds that sing with alacrity,

And the limitless glee a drop of dew incites;

there are so many things that happen without a reason.

You had become the reason once.

In an attempt to forget I vividly remember.

Like the flash that blinds, but you see it even after it’s not there.  


I was Cinderella once, but no one found my shoe.

The intricate branches of my veins carry something strange.

It’s warm but green.

I pierced it hard, but it would not ooze out.

That’s the thing that buzzed my ear one morning and said

“Your eyes had promised, but your words didn\'t”