
Argghh - computer says......

Arrgghh - computer says \'No\'?

Well, it did warn me

If I delete something from the Cloud

Cloud Cuckoo Land?

I won\'t be able to get it back - or not easily


I pencil me poems out first

Then type them up at intervals on files

Me \'hymn-book\'!

Now I\'ve got to re-type a few poems

As I pressed that \'delete\' button

Only about ten poems

But they take a while to type up


Say nice things to your computers

And other machinery - printers, copiers, etc

They will do almost anything for ya

Except make the tea

One day soon, they will make the tea too - probably!


But if beyond repair

You\'ll have to chuck \'em out the window

KP\'s half-robot really


She\'s broke down, decrepit, defunct

Time to chuck her out the window

But with all that botox

She\'ll bounce back up from the ground! lol.