
Colours and Emotions of Jenny

In hues of dreams, fair Jenny stands,
A canvas painted by Nature\'s hands.
Her eyes, deep pools of sapphire blue,
Reflecting skies of endless view.

Her cheeks, a rosy sunset\'s glow,
Soft as petals, in the evening\'s flow.
A smile that lights the darkest skies,
Like morning\'s sun, it truly mesmerizes.

Her hair, a cascade of ebony night,
Moon\'s shadow kissed, a velvety sight.
It flows and dances with the wind,
A waterfall of onyx, gently pinned.

Emotions play across her face,
A symphony of feelings, a delicate grace.
Joyful laughter, like a tinkling stream,
Or eyes that glisten with a tearful gleam.

A heart that\'s painted shades of gold,
With kindness and compassion, untold.
Her spirit, vibrant, like a painted bloom,
In this tapestry of life, she finds her room.

So let us weave this portrait true,
Of Jenny, radiant in every hue.
A masterpiece of colors, emotions fine,
A work of art, forever divine.