
Burnt Out

No candles left

All melted to puddles

Wax pools form at my feet

Solid and holding me there

No cones or sticks left

Piles of ashes

All that\'s left is smoke


But not from the candles

Or the cones

Smoke seeps from my cracks

I start to choke

I have nothing else

Everything\'s gone

They say only words

Can hurt so much

Both the ones said

And those left unread

Leaving holes we can\'t patch

Bringing groups together, unmatched

I\'m left standing

Hollow and empty

And smoking slowly

I\'ve lost all tears

There\'s a wall left there

No use getting angry

No sense being sad

I keep telling myself

You will be ok

It\'s a lie, for now

I\'m too burnt out to notice

Words sit in my mouth

Not the same as my mind

Carefully form each and every line

Form the truth in riddles

Those are safe enough to share


I remind myself

Latch to songs

Repeat thoroughly in my brain

Iron them in

Burn them into the walls of the shell

I smell of smoke

Leaking out through my eyes

Forming in my words

I would pay my respects

But I just can\'t accept this

Not yet

But I will

You\'re gone

And I miss you

Words left in the air

Can never be cleared

I loved you

Even when I wasn\'t there

And I cared

But I was bad at showing

Now it\'s snowing

And the reds and greens are fading

Stars changing to hearts

Colliding and breaking

And we\'ll be here


There will be a day

When I can say I\'m ok

And I\'ll mean it

Though the world feels

Like It\'s crashing down

Burning all around me

I will be ok

I have no choice

In a little bit of time

It won\'t hurt so bad

Little things to help me through my day

Music and lyrics

And little memories

I am burnt out

I smell of smoke

Seeping through cracks

Where pieces are still missing

I will keep searching

Putting myself back

I will be ok

I have no other options

I\'ll get through

Hope can not exist

Without pain first

Hope for tomorrow
To help ease my pain today

As I find all the pieces

And put them back in place