

In the beginning 
there was darkness 
and there was light 
United forces bringing life

Both were equal partners 
supplying day and night
Their marriage brought forth balance 
and regulated time

One was made much stronger
with endless energy
without his strength and power 
there\'d be no you or me

The other built much smaller
her face brings love and peace
Though her strength can anger oceans
yet calm the open seas 

Together, they bring harmony
their family is our land     
We owe our very lives to them
and the balance that they have

I\'d hate to see a jealous moon
that wants to be the sun
Without her love, our peace would die
our world would come undone 

What if our sun decided to
identify as the moon
Instead of lakes on summer days
we\'d swim in sandy dunes

So stay with what you\'re born with
the world depends on you
to keep a perfect balance
just like our sun and moon