
My time has come

I don\'t understand the point in living a long life

Let\'s be honest most poeples end with a knife

I mean at my age everyone is just poping pills

Just so that they can feel the thrill

Loads of people are to scared to end it

So they cut themselves bit by bit

Your parents say that therapy will fix you

But let\'s be honest we all know it\'s not true

It\'s just so that they can stall for time

But we\'re just waiting for the clock to chime

No one wants to leave their friends behind

Coz all this time they\'ve been so kind

The quicker its done

The quicker people can move on

To be honest I don\'t think I would even be missed

All the memories of me wil be dismissed

If I asked I would probably be assisted

It would be like I never existed

So why do I always make the decission to stay

Like if I try hard enough I will be okay

So maybe I should give in

And let them all win

I will leave with a smile on my face

Hopefully I will go to a better place.