

A friendship is like a stick of butter,

Remains strong until it becomes heated, 

Hard to find a true one out there,

All the fakes just make you feel cheated. 


Use you up as if you’re a phone, 

Always attached until there’s so little,

That’s when they leave you to yourself,

Now look at you so weak and brittle. 


Having no respect at all,

Always attached to the riches, 

You realize who they really are, 

Wishing you could give them some stitches.


Might as well be alone in the darkness,

They’re just not worth your time,  

After all those good years together, 

Still valued less than a dime?


You know it’s crazy to think about,

Life has some twisted turns, 

One minute a close friend,

Next minute a horrible burn. 


But at the end of the day,

We all have the right to decide,

Stick with them once more, 

Or start your own golden ride?