Reese Bailey

Heart-break Anniversary

They say never to repeat the same mistake twice,

But how can I stop myself when it feels so nice.

For something to be gone it should be present,

Maybe that’s why ‘love is gone’ had my resent.

No one knows the real reason for it is breaking,

It breaks not only hearts but also my soul.

I will carry the weight of the truth with me,

And never give it to you for it will destroy your glee.

You are a fighter for your life and happiness,

But never for ‘us’ which was filled with nastiness.

This was neither your nor my choice to make,

But one of us had to stop it from turning into a mistake.

I did not want to be the anchor in your life,

But not at all being in your life stabs deeper than a knife.

I was made to choose the man-made future awaiting me,

And by doing so I had to give up the dream I yearned for.