
Where the Dead Lay

A wonderful Eastern Kentucky holler
Beautiful woodlands and mountain trails
All seasons something to offer
But always evil lurking there

Refusing to back up to a wide spot
To allow another vehicle to pass by
Blocking the roads to a residence
No logical reason only spite

Gossip and slander are the tools
Used to pit their enemies against one another 
They spread their subversion for selfish gain
Then question why they lost a husband, son or  brother 

Most mountain people full of warmth 
Still they won’t accept any slight
Their honor used against them
The subversive planted the fight

Clinging to pride and strength
Little else as earthly possessions 
When they are crossed they simply react
Answering disrespect without question

Perhaps God’s grace will cause hate to fade 
Though trust among neighbors lost
Cooler heads will stop the killing
But the past demonstrates the cost

The place was never evil
The animosity began as minute
Perpetrators nurtured the grudge 
The backbiters were the root

A place of warmth and love 
Was turned into an evil place
Backstabbers some even unaware
Are the reason for where the dead lay

