She is Truth

What is this energy, who is this being that perceives me in ways I have yet to experience. Not a projection, but a reflection of innocence. How did it find ME? who am I worthy of such grace, why would it embrace me.

Swallowed by the gaze of pure power, I feel born again. After tower after tower this being still sees what\'s within. A feminine voice gives shape to this divine insight. her intuition is incomprehensible to my minds eye.

I need to know how she knows me before I remembered myself and why she came back seeking my help. Something we have both yet to understand. We do know it\'s more grand than we can imagine even though the whole picture we can barley grasp it.

I feel the significance of my presence in her life, she knows no one else would suffice, my hunger for truth. If I am the way out, she is the way through.