Mystery\'s Creation

Us vs. Them

Rolls Royces,limousines

And other artificial means

To elevate one\'s self esteem

And prove that they\'ve realized their dreams

Are reserved for but a few

As the following will explain to you

For everyday that we\'re alive 

We always struggle,always strive

For that which we can\'t attain

Which often leads to self disdain

In a world defined by greed

Where the privileged take from those in need

Corruption,it seems,everywhere one goes

The guilty immune to the dangers they pose

The innocent haven\'t even a voice

Not to mention so much as a choice

Most are hypocrites,some are traitors

As are those to whom they cater

They see themselves as deities 

Superior to You and Me

Though,in the end,inferior

When exploring their interior

That of which can be seen through

By only the selected few

Enduring every waking hour

Knowing that we have no power

We have no choice but to submit 

To these endless politics

Just when we think that they are done

We realize that they\'ve just begun

But we cannot give up the fight

Though it\'s clear to us this is our plight

Asian,Jewish,Black and White

Who struggle,but go on despite

There being no end in sight

To that which I\'ve written has brought to light