
The callous hurdle

Your praise mortifies, steals life thy cold stares,
Fons raise defies, dislike under countless layers.

Thou wish ill, no ray of compassion,
Hatered your will, sickened by apprehension.

Suppression your way, trampling thy skill,
Compassion has no stay, only envy dwels.

Only effort you make, to pull one back,
You only know to take, humanity thou lack .

Nafarious thy means, midst schism you thrive,
Darkest thy sheen, cist of thorns your hive.

Your beauty a myth, your voice cuts like a sword.
Whenever it unsheath, despair and sadness horde.

A profane presence, and unsettling memory,
Hollow obecience, ever meddling trickery.

But one day, thou shall learn,
The only way, such vile earns.

When time turns, patience had burnt,
Once the prey, begins to hunt,

Strengthened by oppression, hardened by sadism,
Conquors the supression, and kills the demon.

Finally the justice prevails, and order installed,
When evil is impaled, and grace thus recalled...