
Like rain clouds rumbling in the sky
I feel the blinding rage rising so high
I try my best to fight the urge
But it\'s forcing itself like a giant surge

Soon I will have no control over it
It\'s burning & crackling like a fiery pit
I close my eyes & count from one to ten
To keep myself calm & my rage penned in

The words hurled at me
Are harsh & cruel as can be
Even though I try hard to ignore
They keep pounding at my door

I feel the trembling of my body
As I\'m fighting not to lash out so badly
What have I done to deserve such words?
The answer to that will never be heard

I pray that I don\'t give in to the rage
The result of that will be me in a cage
I have to find a way out that\'s best
Until that day comes I cannot rest

                               S. Lancaster-Primus