Mystery\'s Creation


Perfection retrieved from something that\'s tarnished

Like calmness from anger that has yet to be harnessed

Self doubt impedes on an optimists day

Like an orator standing with nothing to say

Misery\'s rains poured from skies

Symbolic tears from aimless eyes

As fate dictates what has not been chosen

Continuous life,in its tracks,becomes frozen

Sadness hiding in smiles reversed

Reactions one has are those unrehearsed

As courage replaces persistent fears

We remember those we considered so dear

We can either let this moment define

And alter our course on our passage through time

Or overcome their attempts to impede

On the rights we\'ve been given to stand and proceed 

This aberrant day

When the skies turned gray

When they took away a fabric

That clothed the USA

Twenty plus years on we say

Everything will be OK

And that day which caused dismay

Will not repeat,we hope and pray