
Fake promises

Part 1 of 2

I was only little how could this be.

My dads in the kitchen throwing around a machine.

You left us there, your tiny little kids.

All in search of some new life.

Someone you rather spend your time with,

instead of your own family.


How can this be.

Your ment to be a mother.

You were ment to be beside me.

Not out with some guy having the time of your life.

You still have resposabillities.


You say you want us to forgive you.

You say you make mistakes.

You promise some new life.


Where is that now, we are all split up,

and its not just been once or twice.


Your eldest 14,

your youngest 7.

Thats no life for some small child.

Dads far away.

He gave you everything.

But you blew it.

You took the chance and it came up snakes eyes.


I looked up to you.

I thought you were the best.

How wrong I was,

and how can I ever trust you again.

Can\'t even put you to the test.


You say you want us to forgive you.

You say you make mistakes.

You promise some new life.


Where is that now, we are all split up,

and its not just been once or twice.


Eldest 2 gone, I\'m now 14.

There is no sign of changing.

How could this be.

Now you have a 3 year old and your expecting.

Life has got worse, and there is no forgetting.


We live with this man who is as cruel as can be.

He makes me feel sick and weak at the knees.

Why do you stay.

You see what he is doing.

Go to the police.

Just do anything.


You say you want us to fogive you.

You say you make mistakes.

You promise some new life.


Where is that now, we are all split up,

and its not just been once or twice.


3 years down the line its still the same,

I wont let this happen,

not again.


My memory is failing.

Im no longer sailing.

My feelings are fading.

My world is caving.


Now my last shred of hope I look away from you.

Please someone save me, I thought through and through.

Police come round the corner and answer my prayers.

Freedom at last or so I thought.


You say you want us to forgive you.

You say you make mistakes.

You promise some new life.


Where is that now, we are all split up,

and its not just been once or twice.


Now we are in care, we are away at last.

But thats not just it and thats what I feared.


You let us down

You didnt care.

All this time you were pretendinding and that wasnt fair.


I now have not seen the little ones in over a year.

They are split up too as I feared.

You can not pick up the pieces.

You have done enough.

And it dosnt help when we all helped you, yet your still with that beast.



You say you want us to forgive you.

You say you make mistakes.

You promise some new life.


Where is that now, we are all split up,

and its not just been once or twice.


Now you see why I can not believe you.

After 11 years of misery why I can say I can\'t forgive you.

This doesnt change that I shall still speak to you.

But I shall never be the same as you. 


Slowly I start my new life.

Its very shattered but thats alright.

Things are comming back,

just like once before.

But I will always be broken, like your promises.

And I can say no more.


Part 2


10 years on and this poem I made will always be apart of me.

You see the truth stays with us and how you see us.
You taught me how not to be.

I learnt from these how sacred a promise can be.

You see a child should be cherished and loved and adored, 
protected and wanted and so much more...


You say you want us to fogive you.

You say you make mistakes.

You promise some new life.


Where is that now, we are all split up,
and its not just been once or twice.


I look at my daughter so beautiful and strong.

I can not imagine where you could of gone wrong.

A child is pure and full of love.

Truly a gift from up above.


My life has had challenges and choices galore.
It may not be easy but it\'s worth it and more.


You say you want us to fogive you.

You say you make mistakes.

You promise some new life.


Where is that now, we are all split up,
and its not just been once or twice.


My child will always be wanted loved and adored.

For she doesn\'t have to learn to survive being ignored.

Used and abused and last for you to choose.

She is no back up option for you to loose.


See she has me as a mother instead of you.

And I shall never make the same mistakes as you.


She will grow and flourish and be so much more.

Your children have flourished without you and more.

We are strong warriors.

For we have survived.

And will always forever be by each others side.


As we are warrior mothers who have learnt how to be, the best parents that we can be.