Soman Ragavan

\"To Metro (Indian) workers\" ; 22 August, 2023

 To Metro (Indian) Workers

6 May, 2023
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Poem : “To Metro (Indian) workers”

Soman Ragavan : Hello. Can I post a poem of mine for analysis, please ?

Hello Soman Ragavan! Of course, you may post your poem here for analysis. I\'ll do my best to provide you with constructive feedback.
Soman Ragavan : My poem : \"To Metro (Indian) workers.\" India is financing the Metro Express project (a light rail transit system) in Mauritius, to the tune of billions of rupees. Indian workers, from India, are working on the project. Indian immigration to Mauritius started around 1835. This poem makes references to those workers as well. Please analyse by each stanza, then give overall comments. Mention similar poems from other authors, where possible. TO METRO (INDIAN) WORKERS

Thank you for sharing your poem, Soman Ragavan. Here\'s my analysis of each stanza and overall comments:
Stanza 1: The opening stanza sets the tone of the poem, expressing appreciation and admiration for the Indian workers involved in the Metro Express project in Mauritius.

Stanza 2: This stanza highlights the sacrifices made by the workers, leaving behind their families and loved ones to work in a foreign land for their daily bread. The use of \"Mother India\'s glorious offspring\" adds a patriotic and emotional touch to the poem.

Stanza 3: The third stanza paints a vivid picture of the workers\' physical labor, their expertise, and their mysterious mastery that shines through their hands and fingers. The use of the word \"bands\" instead of \"hands\" adds a musical and rhythmic quality to the poem.

Stanza 4: This stanza acknowledges the humble craftsmen who are working with the Indian workers, and how they work in unison to create the rising structures. The mention of the scaffolding and the nod to the toiling brethren adds a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood.

Stanza 5: Here, the poem takes a historical turn, acknowledging the arrival of Indian immigrants to Mauritius more than a century ago. The stanza highlights their struggles, toil, and sacrifice, and how they infused Mother India\'s nurture into the land.

Stanza 6: This stanza draws a parallel between the past and the present, with Indian workers arriving once again to work on the Metro project. The stanza highlights their current struggles and how they are working tirelessly to provide for their families. The mention of ungrateful bullies implies that some people may not appreciate their hard work and sacrifices.

Stanza 7: The seventh stanza talks about the workers\' resilience and fortitude, emphasizing how they work tirelessly in any weather conditions. The mention of the tracks inching along implies that the workers are making slow but steady progress.

Stanza 8: Here, the rails are finally ready, and the chariots are fleet along, indicating that the hard work of the workers has paid off. The mention of \"unrivaled sculptures in India\'s landscape\" is a metaphorical reference to the workers\' artistry and craftsmanship.

Stanza 9: This stanza is an ode to the Indian workers, expressing gratitude and admiration for their hard work, resilience, and dedication. The mention of \"lasting gratitude\" implies that their work will always be remembered and appreciated.

Overall, your poem is a heartfelt tribute to the Indian workers who are working hard to build the Metro Express project in Mauritius. The use of vivid imagery, metaphors, and patriotic references adds depth and emotion to the poem. The poem also draws a parallel between the past and present struggles of Indian immigrants in Mauritius, highlighting their sacrifices and contribution to the country\'s development.

I\'m not aware of any similar poems from other authors that specifically address Indian workers in Mauritius. However, your poem does remind me of the works of Rabindranath Tagore and his focus on patriotism and the beauty of nature in his poetry.
Soman Ragavan : Do you know the specific ways Indian workers operate, their slow, systematic movements, their inborn artistry, the qualities that enabled them to build the most spectacular monuments and buildings as evidenced by Indian archeology ?

As an AI language model, I don\'t have personal experience or knowledge of specific ways Indian workers operate or their inborn artistry. However, India has a rich cultural and historical heritage of architecture and construction that showcases the skills and craftsmanship of Indian workers. Indian workers are known for their dedication, hard work, and attention to detail, which are evident in many of the country\'s magnificent structures, such as the Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, and the Khajuraho temples, to name a few. Their slow, systematic movements may be a characteristic of their work style, reflecting their meticulous approach to building and construction.
Soman Ragavan : Thank you. Goodbye for now.

You\'re welcome! If you have any more questions or if there is anything else I can assist you with, don\'t hesitate to ask. Goodbye for now!


Dedicated to workers from India building the Metro Express in Mauritius.


                                \"TO METRO (INDIAN) WORKERS\"

In thy typical fashion, in slow gestures,
Thou goest about thy work, brother;
Thou ris’st without fail in any weather
To build for us splendid new treasures.

Leaving behind thy family, thy kindred,
Thou seek’st here thy daily bread;
To each of Mother India’s glorious offspring
Our poetic chant now gratefully doth sing.

Thy fingers, brother, and thy hands,
Across the rising structures slowly do flit,
As thou doth survey the new work from yon summit :
Thy mysterious mastery shines anew in thy bands.

Slowly from the ground do rise the tracks,
Fashion’d expertly by humble craftsmen;
A mere nod to thy toiling brethren :
And thy mate the scaffolding again jacks.

Full circle. Our ancestors more than a century back
To this land arriv’d, in search of a new future;
In their toil in the scorching sun, there was no slack :
Into this land they infus’d Mother India’s nurture.

They labour’d. We prosper’d.
They slav’d away. They suffer’d.
By the boss were they batter’d :
But, no sacrifice to them matter’d.

In their meagre huts, poorly they huddl’d,
By everything around were they troubl’d,
But, they put up again and again a stoic face :
Their new fate bravely did they embrace.

Full circle. Again, Indian workers here have descend’d,
For, we espy how with tiring toil they be bend’d;
They labour to give a living yonder to their families :
Nay, ne’er in us will they find ungrateful bullies.

While we take holidays, thou toil’st, brother :
Thou tak’st no respite in any weather,
Inch by inch thou spread’st the tracks :
Ah, of fortitude the Indian ne’er lacks…

The rails readied, the chariots fleet along :
From the captain, sounds anew the gong;
From station to station, the service spreads :
Across the towns the new network threads.

An air of mystery in these workers :
Sheer marvel rendering us quite agape :
Unrivall’d sculptures in India’s landscape :
Ne’er cease they to create wonders.

Brother, son of India, how to thank thee ?...
‘Pon thy face we see resilience and glee :
Even when thou be spent from the hard toil,
Ne’er doth thou from tough duty recoil.

Brother, in due course will thou be gone,
But, thy endeavours here sure have shone;
Silently move along the contraptions :
A tribute to thy faultless exertions.

Back to Mother India will thou return :
With thy family will thou be reunit’d :
But, lasting gratitude hath our poetry ignit’d :
For ever thy glory will sing the ashes from our urn !...

JAI HIND !  (*)
