
Over ninety charges where\'s the kitchen sink!

Nothing can save them,

The whole lots in the stink.

It\'s Nebuchadnezzar\'s dream-

Iron and clay can\'t mix.

Long for the day, there is no other fix.

But on and on they stumble fools to lead the way, 

The whole world attentive to the lies they relay. 

Tearing us apart divided we can\'t stand..

Releasing hell fire with a cunning slight of hand. 

Does climate change cause earthquakes? Or stop the wind to blow? Can it control the heavens? Or reverse the demons flow?

They may go on for decades, no one really knows. 

The writings on the wall though, 

He saves those he chose.

Who are the chosen? Plenty will claim. 

He calls to the humble and raises them from the grave.

Yes this is a mystery, of which I am not sure...

But He reveals His will, to those who answer to His call.