
Hell Over Hearts


Our goals in war are determined by politicians 
To win the hearts or make enemies pay
Changing minds harder than destruction 
Creating a vacuum easier than to sway

Though revenge and destruction create a hole
To be filled by terrorists after we’re gone 
Per chance making them pay for their actions 
Better than training them to govern alone

Peace through superior firepower 
Requires a return when new powers use force
Clear objectives and a plan for withdrawal 
Transparency begins at the source 

For changing hearts and minds a fool’s game
The course of action with the least loss
Should be upmost in the minds of leaders
Ever mindful of how great the cost 

When we drag out action with no clear plan
Sons and daughters sacrificed for naught 
Ending up mired in a swamp of uselessness
Like a spider’s web our forces caught

No true leader mentions acceptable loss 
When no reasonable objective exists
Given a mission which gains nothing
For glory unable to resist

Save our troops and use maximum force 
Send a message to the terrorists lust
We value our troops more than your people 
If you attack us in no mercy trust
