There\'s no such thing as failure,there\'s just start again
And you and I shall do so my friend
What one calls a one others may call a ten
A beholder\'s eye on which perception depends
Dwell upon life so as to inquire
About the answers to it and the questions they sire
Just when we think we\'re done and retired
We\'ve a long way to \'til we quit or we\'re fired
As we continue to fruitlessly pine
Knowing it\'s only a matter of time
Before you and I leave this world behind
By our own hand or,perhaps,by design
We try and try and fail to succeed
As principle is often usurped by greed
The latter perceived by some as a need
As if to prove that they\'re human,they must make themselves bleed
We can be in a crowd and still be alone
We can feel like a stranger,although we\'re at home
What we considered forbidden we now seem to condone
We are scared little children only physically grown
We\'re words in a novel that has yet to be finished
We\'re embers in a fire yet to be extinguished
We abandon what we used to embrace
We turn our back on what and who we once faced
Except,of course,the alluded to friend
With whom we don\'t fail,but just start again