
The beauty in B-L-A-C-K

I wish someone would’ve told me I would be okay
I wish someone would’ve held my hand towards the right way
I wish my mother stood beside me while I looked for defects in each mirror
I wish the school system told me to follow my dreams instead of telling me to study for SAT’s
I wish someone told me there’s so much more to me than just a single gaze
I wish I’d known sooner that I wasn’t defined by my grade

can you imagine your parent telling you that your skin color bares shame
that you’ll be seen as inferior because your race determines your name
that you’ll have to work harder and smarter to prove yourself in this game
that you’ll have to face discrimination and prejudice and still remain tame

oh but, can’t they see I’m human too?
why treat me like your bottom shoe

I was made gracefully with spiritual glitter and faithful glue
I was given wings you tried to cut through
born with a voice you tried to silence
born with skin you tried to shame me of

you left scars on the skin of my people that will never let me forget what love isn’t

how can someone be so cruel and inflict
such pain with a grin, you much be sick

do you know how long it took to build that confidence you tried to destroy with your ignorance and hate
you made me question the lord as to why he made me this way
why he chose to make me someone the world wants to hold back and shame

Black is the color of dirty clothes
Black is the color of mold
Black is the color of dirt
Black is the color of darkness and coal

so why black?
why have we been chosen to suffer and lack?
or maybe we are chosen to shine and fight back

there should be no such thing as the “wrong bathroom” or the “wrong water fountain”
I shouldn’t be forced to take a step back
the finish line shouldn’t move every time I step ahead

why get a job if no white employees will shake my hand
why live in a world where I’m always treated as less than human and not worth a chance

you made me question god as to why he gave you the privilege and power
and gave me struggles and hardships every hour

but how could I be good for anyone if I wasn’t good for me?

I’ve learned to see the beauty in everyone and everything
I now know that I have a purpose and a destiny
that no one can deny or take away from me

you shouldn’t have to wait around and pray for someone to love you
you should love you

you should let go
because nothing ever worth holding on to will destroy you

trying to love someone into loving you is destroying you

let go
because you have to get a hold of you

let go and accept your skin
for it isn’t a sin
but a blessing and a prize that makes you unique and wise
that shows your history and your might that shines

don’t let anyone tell you different
don’t let anyone dim your brilliance
don’t let anyone steal your joy
don’t let anyone break your voice

you are one of a kind
embrace it
and all will align