Chenjerai Mhondera

the face of a gorilla


the face of a gorilla is like yours,
when you\'re angry
and barking at your children,
your wife, your husband,
your mother, your father,
your grandparents,
your neighbour,
your enemy,
your classmates, your teammates,
your workmates and subordinates

as you try to subdue 
or conquer them,
by appearing to be more angry 
than anyone else;
your mouth frothing, foaming and mal-performing

it\'s indeed like your face,
when you try to make everyone 
experience hell in your wrath 
in parliament,
at the church,
at school,
at the football pitch,
at a city sports stadium,
in a bar,
in a kombi,
at a wedding
at a funeral,
at a graduation party
of so and so, yours.

so watch out if your beauty won\'t flee,
or if your handsome won\'t trick you off you,
as you try to be like that ugly creature,
unlike you