

In a world where colors scream their decree,
I was shackled by norms that tried to define me.
Pink for the girls, blue for the boys they\'d say,
But my heart yearned for freedom, to break away.

I clung to pink, though its taste turned sour,
A facade I wore, hiding my true power.
Society\'s gaze, a suffocating weight,
Judging my worth based on a hue\'s dictate.

Love blossomed, an innocent flame aglow,
A classmate\'s embrace, a feeling I\'d come to know.
But a religious teacher, with venomous tongue,
Lashed out, condemning what had just begun.

How dare they dictate who I should be,
Based on the color that spoke to me?
My identity caged, my spirit confined,
Outed and silenced, my truth left behind.

That teacher, a harbinger of disdain,
Betrayed my trust, causing deep-rooted pain.
My parents heard, their silence grew loud,
Graduations missed, a fractured family shroud.

But it wasn\'t the end, another blow did fall,
A cherished award, my parents absent, appall.
They lounged on the couch, indifferent and cold,
Unmoved by my triumph, their support untold.

High school arrived, secrets locked away,
Love held captive, a clandestine display.
But even then, love\'s secret could not hold,
Exposed to the world, its story untold.

Separated, my partner torn from my side,
Love\'s flame extinguished; its embers denied.
I searched in vain, seeking traces online,
But she disappeared, leaving me to pine.

College beckoned, a world of new sight,
Where love\'s true essence could finally ignite.
No longer a prisoner, I soared in my truth,
Defying conformity, reclaiming my youth.

Love, unbounded by judgment\'s cruel stare,
Its tapestry is woven with colors so rare.
Feelings, attractions, and love\'s sacred flame,
Valid and deserving, with no need for shame.

I stand tall, a rebel against the norm,
Love\'s warrior, breaking down barriers, storm.
In a world where acceptance is vital,
I refuse to be silenced, my spirit unbridled.

For love knows no color, it transcends all,
Igniting hearts, breaking down each wall.
Love\'s essence resists, can never be caught.
So I\'ll revel in love, fierce and expressive,
Defying the chains that society would give.
For in love\'s vast realm, I find my release,
A symphony of emotions, a masterpiece.