Tamba T. Ngegba

\"I WISH\"

\"I WISH\"
I wish that you are here
In your heart a solace place there
Where flowers grow near
Holding your hands like we are pair.
I wish that we can merge our picture
Bad experiences we shouldn\'t nuture
Dedicating my heart as our future
Your wounds are mine to suture.
I wish we could be closer
Never ending over and over
Laying on my chest cloaking with cover
My heart beats for you like no other.
Your eyes in mine let\'s make a wish
The beautiful world we want to see
A globe where I will never say please
Far from heartbreak weathering apologies.
There in your arms I could place the means
My heart is pure to provide all your needs
Varieties of food palette as my meals
Today and tomorrow it\'s a forever deal.
©Tamba Temoindor Ngegba