The light touches the skin for the first time, synthetic brights in his eyes before he even cries.


This will be the longest he will ever be held, take him home and give him this because she said he ain\'t using mine.


He doesn\'t understand the words, the intention is what observes, he wonders why he\'s hated by the one that\'s given him birth while daddy roams the earth.


Doest matter, time for school now stop understanding your cursed, \"everyone here are jerks, they must all be hurt\" no different from his home, he\'d rather be in the dirt, or alone.


Prone to anxiety, afraid of society, treated like a liability they never think highly of him, \"look what I can do\" o that\'s nothing, shut up and sit down your always bluffing! zipping and running, hiding and ducking.


Don\'t speak unless spoken to and your homework is overdue, go get the belt, his whole life is uncomfortable.


What must he do to find an escape, his family are the screws that keep him in place, when his father decides to stay he leaves bruises along his legs.


Visible welts and scars are nothing to the ones on his heart, from a community torn apart, his life is a tragic work of art.