
Beware of the leaven. 

That\'s what he said. 

Got to be flat bread, 

To really be fed.

Leaven leavens the whole lump.

Brings on despair..

 A little bit of leaven, fills the lump with air.


I guess that\'s a start...

But getting onto solids

Can bring a change of heart.

What happens to a world with children at the reins?

Unable to digest the truth that flows through their veins. 

Those of understanding find solice in His word, 

Can sit back and relax, 

Knowing it\'s absurd. 

Those who find it will know what is true.

They find in the things of life a road that leads to you.

The one true teacher

You were there from the start

The one that calls to all his children

And cleanses every heart.