
We Tried

Just like the weather, we changed.

From a sunny, warm, glistening afternoon

to a damp, cold and dark one. 

From busy messenger notifications

to blank stares at the mobile screen. 

Fleeting smiles while typing replaced by frequent \'last seen\' checks. 

Even planned changes seem abrupt, instant, and permanent. 


We struggled. We climbed. 

We reached a point where apologies and gratitude meet. 

But we were never meant to be. 

You are no longer my fight. 


For the  times you have nursed my wounds,

laughed with me and held me in your arms. 

I wrapped it up and put it in a box and stored it somewhere in the attic with care. 

If you ever think of me on a day like this, when the weather changed rapidly,

do know that We Tried.