
Grant me closure

I am feeling Eenui 

This isn\'t new
I have this feeling every day 
What can i say 
You burnt my memories into ashes 
And I carry the tiniest black thread, delicately tied around my wrist,
A minuscule mark upon my flesh, seemingly insignificant,
Yet it holds a profound symbolism, a hidden tale,
An enduring reminder of our connection that once prevailed.
Stichting my heart shaped wounds 
You were never mine I guess 
Little bit stupid , little  bit reckless 
My pain remains endless 
No way to contact you 
Once you professed care, whispered promises in the air,
Yet when I reached out, you were never there,
Abandoned in depths of my agonizing plight,
You shattered me further, denying solace\'s light.
Did you wear a mask, a facade so grand,
Or does emptiness reside where a heart should stand?
Such proximity once deemed affections art
Now leaves me perplexed torn apart
Leaving me broken, shattered, pained.
Don\'t you know I have to transcend the clasp of thee,
for me , i must break free
Grant me a farewell to this tangled affair 
Release me from the confounding emotions laid bare
For if you ever cherished what we shared 
Let closure descend, and my heart be repaired 
one last time read my verse 
Come and let our destinies converse
Meet me in the haven where memories reside 
Grant me liberation, from emotions that chide
To banish your essence, an endeavour so clever, 
In your gaze the key to forget you forever