Kudakwashe Muchechemera

Why Though?

I told you things in confidence
which you turned around and used as evidence 
to diminish my relevance 
in the lives of people that I care about;
what was that all about?
You can imagine my surprise
to learn that the person I chose to trust was cause of my demise,
in confidence I told you the truth and you perforated it with lies;
through deception you have managed to get people on your side
but what you don\'t realise 
you may have won their allegiance but you have lost my respect,
you can delete my number from your phone, I don\'t think that you will ever need it;
let me fade into the background,
you can continue to do what you used to before I ever came around.
I hold no grudges though 
cause perhaps for me this is karma
for harm I inflicted in the past;
this is goodbye to the bond we used to have.