sonal monhyung

Inner sound - ll ( A broken heart )

In the house when nobody around 

I took my gesture to what is rolling in my mind .

When everybody left me alone ,

With a broken soul demanding for not to be cruel .

When nobody listen my words ,

I ask my soul should we live alone in our world ? 



Is any happiness left in my life ? 

To come after sometime.

Is any feeling of love still in my heart ? 

When people close to us leave in a world ,

Where we unknown even with our soul !



When a single place is everything for me  ,

Is any place other than this , waiting for me ? 

When nobody hear my sound ,

Left me alone in this depressed house .

I ask my soul should we live alone in our world ? 



Sometime rain not reflect my sound ,

When I cry with a broken voice .

Happiness is a word only for sometime 

When I know I am only a crying device .

Is anything left with me ,

To ask how are you ? ,at this time ! 

When nobody arrives my door 

Not a sound of knocking it .

With a heavy heart ,

I ask my soul should we live alone in our world ? 



A sad face reflect in the mirror ,

What I found ?, My own reflection.

Is any memory left with me ?, 

To be remind and take a sigh of relief! 

When nobody around me to hold my hand , 

Give a shoulder to stand .

Only a lonesome sound come to me ,

What can I do at this time ? 



With the passage of time ,

There a voice awake deep inside mine .

Noone care  for me ,

Then why i cry who is not for me ? 

My own reflection in the mirror ,

Hold my hand and give something to rely .



There\'s nothing outside in the world ,

With fake peoples stay with us .

There will happiness waiting for me , 

If I\'ll hold my hand and give me own advice.

There is some sound with my soul !

To be rely on no one around .

There is a path only for me ,

With my own soul standing with me .

No one with a fake advice,

So i don\'t never again be a crying device.



At last , i take this decision! 

Yes , I can live alone in my own world ,

Without any fear .