
To Dance

Flying, twirling,

dancing, running, jumping,

skating in a whirl of people

doing the same thing.


Sitting up, down

moving it to and fro

and back and forth.

It\'s wacked up 

it\'s psyched up

lets rev up the engine

more and more.


Until all sound cracks and dies.

Now it\'s just faces and eyes

reflecting emotion.

All moving in silent motion.


No more fuss to drown out the us.

No more static overpowering,

now it\'s our spirits towering.

Conquering the noise,

we all dance with poise.


Take a moment to turn the volume


Tune in to your heart 

and hungry soul.

Ask them what they want

and do what they say.

Give it to them,

have it their way.


You won\'t need to 

turn it up.

You\'ll be at peace,

you\'ll hold your full cup.

