
dear ember



Dear Ember,

My sweet beautiful Ember. 

Oh how I love you Ember.

You are the light in my darkness my love. 

You have the most captivating turquoise eyes.

Like the oceans with their sharp crashing waves.

Your eyes are so magical because they not only hold the blue of a diamond like crystal, but hold the green of a blinding emerald.

Your hair is so soft, short and golden, your hair looks like our ethereal sun.

You shine so brightly the sun herself is envious.

My dear Ember, oh what I\'d do for you.

You are so pretty the warmth in your smile makes me feel so loved… like I am at home.

I love you always.

I love the glistening sparkle in your eyes as we talk.

I love your charming soul so much.

I just wish you could see what I see.

When I see tears leave those eyes it is like a dagger to my heart.

I love the way your mind works in all its creative beauty.

I love you.

I love you Ember.

I wish you still loved me.

Why would you leave?

You promised we\'d stay together forever.

What changed?

I miss you so much.

Ember it is starting to crush me.

You crushed me, but I still love you.

Love from Rosie.