
Whatever Happened to Miriam

Whatever Happened to Miriam


There are times I still wonder,


  happened to Miriam ..

Our most

  beautiful of water carriers ..

She had

  her own secrets, of course ..

But hey,

   didn’t we all, back then ..

Yet I still seem

  to recall, a long time ago now

I once had

her naked while standing

alone by a

fountain, with her broken

  decanter ..

Only half-filled mind, with

herbs and wild

honey, like some enchanted


  and likewise, so very inviting ..

My word,

how she smiled at me then,


replacing, the cream coloured

hand woven

shawl, back over her shoulders

and blowing a

 kiss in my vaguest of directions ..

All before

turning and so very casually,

  walking away ..