Bobby O



Delivering his eulogy had me shaking to my core, the crowded church , they all cried with me as most knew he was my mentor  A Legacy of Intimacy stamped into minds this one time demands and deserves nearly perfect salutation 
Feeling  honored  knowing this formidable task is exempt from replication. Pressure described with accentuation as I read from my page. White knuckles brought pain, gained from a too tightly gripped podium. The domino tipped and my oscillating mind tripped into pandemonium. 
No longer a confident convener, now escorted by trepidation usurper of my once calm demeanor Tasting tactile chaos and shame escorted by lurking shadow of lost rapport while fear ruled my attempts to claim 
the gaze of mourners eyes. One voice rang and all did rise “ just share with us how much you loved this man “. The gifted strength  from the gathered throng 
A new plan formed , my voice was strong 
I spoke from my heart and shared while folding pages of the speech prepared 
My stories brought laughs and smiles and exhilaration. It became a dance of joy and am certain  all will forever cherish this most meaningful conversation.  
Bobby O