
Master of none

I have tried a lot of things.
In none of them did I become good.
Didn’t have consistency
Nor did I give time
Couldn’t focus on one thing 
When there are so many in the sea
Get bored too soon
Thinking I don’t have that boon
When will I find what I love 
In which I’m good at
Where everyone takes off their hats
Where respect for me I’ll gain
Where there’s no pretend
Where I belong
With confidence, I’ll ride along
But how can I get good
When I lose interest
And with no mood
With no will to give and time to fill
What if I lack dedication?
Even with that, not all become the best 
Well, I’m not the smartest
And when I struggle at the start
I feel it’s my time I waste
That I can’t be the best 
That’s the thing they don’t understand
They only remember the first one to land.
And here I am after everything I’ve tried and done
Still, the master of none