
I Can Only Blame Myself

I hate the fact that I held on for so long,

And as much as everyone else told me I was stupid, I so badly wanted to prove them wrong.

From the start, I meant absolutely nothing to you,

And even when I knew that, I so badly wanted to believe that what I felt in my heart was true.

That it would be me and you in the end,

But now it seems like you don\'t even want me in your life as a friend.

I thought that we would end up having that love story that I had always dreamed of, the ones that only seem real when they are on a screen,

But I am finally starting to realize that the movie is over, and that it is time to end that scene.

You had hurt me in the past, but I never thought that you would do something like this,

But I tried so hard to look past all of the red flags that I so badly wanted to miss.

But there you go, you walked right past me as if I wasn\'t even there,

And that was when I realized how little you actually care.

I guess I finally realized how I am only good enough for you when there is no one else around,

And as much as I didn\'t want to believe it, instead of helping me, you would sit back and watch me drown.

I feel like there were so many times when you made it clear that you did not care about me at all,

And I tried so hard to look past it every time we would hit a wall.

What hurts the most is I started talking to you thinking it wouldn\'t get anywhere,

But you ended up becoming the most important person in my life, and I finally realized how none of it is fair.

That you can love someone with all your heart, but you can\'t love them enough to make them love you,

And you can try as much as you want, but there is only so much that you can do.

It sucks more than anything, because I know I will never be able to love someone the way that I loved you,

But God I really wish you could love me too.