Krishna Fairbrother


Mouth dry in preparation for another chapter
Heart palpitates to match the chittering which will soon become a cacophony
Of hatred, pain, and anger
Her voice
His voice
Warnings bathed in venom and viscera

Endless streams of health care serpents
Coming to make the right noises through the correct faux facial expressions
But with nothing more than pennies from a government
Who rape and strip bare a nation for weapons and personal gratification
We\'ll have to start with ineffective talk

\"tell me whats happening\" every word of hate, every feeling of shame

All the inadequacy, every traumatic day
Has grown teeth and claws,
And it snarls and roars
And sinks its teeth into my brain
Until it pops and crushes and bursts
Into warnings bathed in venom and viscera\"

\"and can you rate that from 1 - 10\"
They minimise
Unable to comprehend the intricacies of atrocities which lead me here
Neither do they care

But the voices continue
Prophecies bathed in vemon and viscera
And when I listen I discect
And when I discect I can see
They know I see

No more talk

Time for my dose of Shut The Fuck Up
A nice big zombie pill

They want me locked up in my mind oubliette
But they\'ll forget
They won\'t check
There\'s more zombies to create
More pigeon holes to fill
And I\'ll slip away with a cheek full of prescription
Under a mask of I\'m fine

Pusher, you know you\'re feeding us poison
But the poison is packaged and labeled and sanctioned
And your conscience is armoured with instructions and currency

Pusher, this could all be avoided
The mindless talking
The poison

But how would the scientist cope with his lab rats loose?
How would the hand that feeds you keep control?

When the venom and the viscera are all but shed
And your derogatory labels are all but dead
And now big brother is running scared

Losing control as we learn to take it back
The evidence of the orchestration of oppression made clear
When it\'s served with a dose of Class A fear
Masquerading as common sense and reasoning

<span;>To<span;> outlaw a plant