Petrichor of Love

Her Heart\'s Portal; Her Soul\'s Casement

Beneath a canvas of velvety indigo skies,

Where moonbeams whispered ancient lullabies,

We embarked on a journey, hand in hand,

In a world of enchantment, where dreams expand.


The scent of night-blooming jasmine filled the air,

As we ventured forth, a pair beyond compare.

Your laughter, a symphony of joy untold,

In that twilight hour, two souls enfold.


The Portal to Her Heart was opened agleam,

With secrets and stories, like a flowing stream.

The Casement to her Soul opened like a windowpane,

Through which I glimpsed a universe\'s reign.


Do you keep in your heart, a secret garden\'s key,

Where love\'s resplendent blooms forever free?

Do you, in the quiet whispers of the night,

Feel my love, a beacon, a guiding light?


Does your soul mirror the depths of my own,

In love\'s silent language, a truth widely known?

Do you find in my eyes, the path to your heart,

A timeless connection, where we never part?


Amidst this tapestry of life, we weave,

In each other\'s arms, we truly believe.

The Portal to Her Heart, a treasure to explore,

The Casement to her Soul, forevermore.


With every passing moment, our story unfolds,

In the eloquent language of love, it\'s told.

As the stars above in celestial ballet,

Our love shines bright, guiding our way.


In the meadows of our memories, we roam,

In the haven of your heart, I found my home.

The gentle zephyrs whispered tales untold,

In the language of love, our hearts consoled.


Do you carry in your dreams a world so vast,

Where our love\'s memories are cast?

Do you, like me, see the constellations above,

Each a testament to this boundless love?


Does your soul, in the stillness of the night,

Feel my presence, my love\'s guiding light?

Do you find in my embrace, a shelter so warm,

Where we weather life\'s tempest, its storm?


With the passage of time, our love does thrive,

In every moment, we feel so alive.

The Portal to Her Heart, a cherished treasure,

The Casement to her Soul, our endless pleasure.


Through the chapters of our love story, we scroll,

In the diary of our hearts, an eternal goal.

As the stars above in celestial ballet,

Our love endures, lighting our way.


As the seasons change, our love remains,

In the warmth of your smile, all life\'s gains.

The Portal to Her Heart, a story of grace,

The Casement to her Soul, our sacred place.


In this endless journey, hand in hand we stride,

Two hearts forever bound, side by side.

With every day that our love continues to grow,

The answers to our questions, in love, we\'ll know.


As we traverse the pages of our love\'s tale,

Each moment shared an exquisite detail.

The Portal to Her Heart, a passage so dear,

The Casement to her Soul, where love\'s reflections appear.


In the mosaic of our life\'s grand design,

In the tapestry of love, so sublime.

Do you sense in my touch, the passion\'s fire?

A love that burns with an eternal desire.


Do you find in our whispers, secrets untold?

In the language of love, our hearts unfold.

Do you believe in forever, as I do, my dove?

In the symphony of love, we find answers above.


In the ripples of time, like a river\'s flow,

In the tenderness of your gaze, love\'s seeds sow.

The Portal to Her Heart, a sanctuary of grace,

The Casement to her Soul, where love finds its place.


With every sunrise and every twilight\'s hue,

Our love deepens, vivid and true.

In the expanse of our love\'s boundless sea,

The answers to our questions, you and me.


Verily, let us persevere on this journey we embark,

In love\'s domain, where our hearts find their mark.

The Portal to Her Heart, aye, forever ajar,

The Casement to her Soul, where love doth spar.


In the endless chapters of our love\'s rhyme,

In the sacred spaces where our spirits entwine,

As the stars above in celestial ballet,

Our love endures, lighting our way.